Bases Loaded 3 (NES)

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Bases Loaded 3

Bases Loaded 3 - NES - USA.png


NES, Famicom, PlayChoice-10




Tose Co., Ltd.

Bases Loaded 3, known in Japan as MoePro '90 - Kandou Hen, is the third game in the Bases Loaded series. In this game, the goal isn't to win a set amount of games in the pennant race, but rather to play what the game calls "The Perfect Game". To do this, you must play a game without making any mistakes whatsoever. After the game, you will be given a score from 0 to 100. Your score will be rated in 13 categories, each of which must be perfect. If you strike out or make any other errors, points are deducted from your overall rating. Once you have achieved all one hundred points in a game and beaten a level 5 team while doing so, you have beaten the game and are rewarded with a staff roll for your ending.

Easy Cheats

Icon Addr Val Cmp Description
Icon-Score.png 009B 64 - Perfect Score at End of Game
How do I use these?


No-Intro ROM Name CRC Flag
Bases Loaded 3 (USA) 3ECA3DDA Flag-USA.png
Moe Pro! '90 - Kandou Hen (Japan) 9DC96EC7 Flag-Japan.png
